CAS Seminar

Zymantas Darbenas

(Jacobs University)

"Notes on Liesegang rings"

Date: Tue, April 29, 2014
Time: 11:15
Place: Research I Seminar Room

Abstract: Liesegang rings are peculiar and quite intricate phenomenon that appears during some precipitation reactions. The stunning regular patterns of crystallized rings, i.e. not the whole space, appear when one lets two specific soluble reagents, say Pb(NO3)2 and KI, diffuse in a tube filled with gel. Moreover, some of the reactions obey strikingly simple rules for measurements of n-ring as the location, the time of appearence and the width.

Up to today there are at least two theories for underlying mechanism, followed by numerical simulations and mathematical analysis. We are interested in the pre-nucleation theory, which is based upon super-saturation ideas, and the model proposed by Keller and Rubinow. One-dimensional case was intensively studied by Hilhorst, Hout, Mimura and Ohnishi (HHMO). The authors gave a rise to a limiting model for Keller and Rubinow ideas.

I will talk about the developement of analysis for HHMO-model.