Seminar in Algebra, Lie Theory, and Geometry

Mengyuan Zhang

(Jacobs University Bremen)

"Conjugacy Theorems for Finite-Dimensional Lie algebras"

Date: Fri, February 28, 2014
Time: 13:45
Place: Seminar Room (120), Research I

Abstract: In my talk, I shall discuss the conjugacy of Cartan subalgebras and Borel subalgebras, starting with equivalent definitions of Cartan subalgebras in the generality as well as in the semisimple case. Then, I shall demonstrate a proof of the conjugacy theorem of Cartan subalgebras using algebraic geometric methods. Last but not least, I shall also prove the conjugacy theorem for Borel subalgebras. If time permits, I may discuss the automorphism group of a finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebra over the field of complex numbers.