Seminar in Algebra, Lie Theory, and Geometry

Abdul Rauf

(Jacobs University Bremen)

"A New Formulation of the Jacobian Conjecture in Characteristic p"

Date: Thu, May 7, 2015
Time: 11:15
Place: Seminar Room (120), Research I

Abstract: The Jacobian Conjecture uses the equation \(\det\big(\text{Jac}(F)\big)\in k^*\), which is a very short way to write down many equations putting restrictions on the coefficients of a polynomial map \(F\). In characteristic \(p\), these equations do not suffice to (conjecturally) force a polynomial map to be invertible. In this talk, we describe how to construct the conjecturally sufficient equations in characteristic \(p\) forcing a polynomial map to be invertible. This provides an (alternative to Adjamagbo's formulation) definition of the Jacobian Conjecture in characteristic \(p\).