Seminar in Algebra, Lie Theory, and Geometry

Thanasin Nampaisarn

(Jacobs University Bremen)

"Introduction to Highest-Weight Modules over 𝔰𝔩(ℂ)"

Date: Thu, February 4, 2016
Time: 10:45
Place: Seminar Room (120), Research I

Abstract: This talk is an introduction to the theory of highest-weight modules over the finitary Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{sl}_\infty(\mathbb{C})\). I shall provide the definition and examples of highest-weight modules over this Lie algebra, with respect to a given splitting Borel subalgebra. Furthermore, we shall discuss the Verma modules and their simple quotients. For some splitting Borel subalgebras, it is possible to characterize all Verma modules of finite length, and it is my aim to give such a characterization.