MTP Seminar

Marc-Thorsten Hütt

(Jacobs University)

"The Physics behind Systems Biology"

Date: Thu, November 12, 2020
Time: 13:00
Place: online via zoom (please write the organizer for the meeting id and passcode)

Abstract: Systems Biology is a young and rapidly evolving research field, which combines experimental techniques and mathematical modeling in order to achieve a mechanistic understanding of processes underlying the regulation and evolution of living systems. Physics has a long tradition of characterizing and understanding emergent collective behaviors in systems of interacting units and searching for universal laws. Therefore, it is natural that many concepts used in Systems Biology have their roots in Physics. With an emphasis on Theoretical Physics, I will here review the "Physics core" of Systems Biology, show how some success stories in Systems Biology can be traced back to concepts developed in Physics, and discuss how Systems Biology can further benefit from its Theoretical Physics foundation.