M. Oliver and S. Vasylkevych,
Geodesic motion on groups of diffeomorphisms with \(H^1\) metric as geometric generalised Lagrangian mean theory,
Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 113 (2019), 466-490.
Generalized Lagrangian mean theories are used to analyze the
interactions between mean flows and fluctuations, where the
decomposition is based on a Lagrangian description of the flow. A
systematic geometric framework was recently developed by Gilbert and
Vanneste (J. Fluid Mech., 2018) who cast the decomposition in
terms of intrinsic operations on the group of volume preserving
diffeomorphisms or on the full diffeomorphism group. In this setting,
the mean of an ensemble of maps can be defined as the Riemannian
center of mass on either of these groups. We apply this decomposition
in the context of Lagrangian averaging where equations of motion for
the mean flow arise via a variational principle from a mean
Lagrangian, obtained from the kinetic energy Lagrangian of ideal fluid
flow via a small amplitude expansion for the fluctuations.
We show that the Euler-\(\alpha\) equations arise as Lagrangian
averaged Euler equations when using the \(L^2\)-geodesic mean on the
volume preserving diffeomorphism group of a manifold without
boundaries, imposing a "Taylor hypothesis", which states that first order
fluctuations are transported as a vector field by the mean flow, and
assuming that fluctuations are statistically nearly isotropic.
Similarly, the EPDiff equations arise as the Lagrangian averaged
Burgers' equations using the same argument on the full diffeomorphism
group. A serious drawback of this construction is that the
assumptions of Lie transport of the fluctuation vector field and
isotropy of fluctuations cannot persist except for an asymptotically
vanishing interval of time. To remedy the problem of persistence of
isotropy, we suggest adding strong mean-reverting stochastic term to
the Taylor hypothesis and identify a scaling regime in which the inclusion of the
stochastic term leads to the same averaged equations up to a constant.
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