This notebook contains the raw data for Homework 8 Question 1.

In [2]:
%pylab inline
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [38]:
t = array([  0. ,   2.7,   5.8,   7.2,   8.4,  10.2,  11.2,  12.7,  13.4,
        15.5,  16.5,  18.4,  19.5,  20.2,  21.6,  24. ])
a = array([-2.  , -2.  ,  0.17,  6.57,  8.4 ,  8.88,  9.27,  9.4 ,  9.39,
        9.3 ,  8.88,  8.36,  6.94,  0.46, -2.  , -2.  ])