Using Netscape

If you are reading this document, you have probably figured out how to use Netscape. It runs on the SGI workstations just like it runs on any other computer.

Netscape Helper Applications

In the CAMLAB, Netscape is pre-configured to automatically start up the correct helper applications for a variety of data formats, including dvi and postscript data. However, if you start up Netscape from the desktop ``Tool Chest'', the ``paths'' to these helper applications may be set incorrectly, resulting in strange error messages. If this happens, start Netscape from the Unix shell by typing
 netscape & 
This problem may get fixed in future versions of the global start-up files.

Netscape Mail

You can use Netscape to read and write e-mails. See

Advantages and Disadvantages
Setting up Netscape Mail

Last modified: 1998/02/13
Marcel Oliver (
The index for ``Using Unix in the CAMLAB'' can be found at