Stochastic Methods + Lab

Jacobs University, Fall 2019


Contact Information

Instructor: Prof. Sören Petrat
Email: s.petrat AT
Office: 112, Research I

Teaching Assistant: Tuba Masur
Email: g.masur AT
Office: 125, Research I
Office hours: Wed, 14:15 - 15:30

Time and Place

Mon 14:15 - 15:30, room 120 in Research I
Mon 15:45 - 17:00 (Lab), room 120 in Research I
Thu 14:15 - 15:30, East Hall 8
TA Office Hours:
Wed, 14:15 - 15:30, room 125 in Research I


Syllabus (as of Aug. 30, 2019) available here. (Note that the Syllabus will not be updated, the most recent information can be found on this website.)



The class material is similar to the following book:

Also, some material is similar to

which is, however, more mathematically involved than this class.

Some other good books about financial mathematics are


See the Syllabus.


There will be a final take-home exam. More details will be announced in class.

Homework Sheets

Each week there will be a homework assignment. The homework assignments have to be uploaded individually on each student's own branch on the bitbucket server via git (details are announced in class). The due date is one week after it has been handed out (before class begins!), and will always be announced on the website. Note: It is encouraged to discuss the exercise sheets with your classmates (e.g., discuss how to come up with the solution or what the right way of approaching the problem is). On the other hand, the solutions must be written down and handed in individually! Copying the solutions from somebody else is a violation of Academic Integrity!

Note that only the best 8 out of 11 homework sheets are used to compute the homework grade. This also means that there will be no extensions of homework submission deadlines and no excuses from the homework obligation, with the only exception of illness that lasts longer than a week.

Class Schedule

Will be updated while class is progressing.

Below, please click on the date to download the lecture notes of this day.

Note that the book references given below offer only a rough orientation. Sometimes, only parts of a particular chapter are covered in class.

Date Topics
Sep. 02, 2019 Organization, Introduction to git
See Syllabus and Introduction to git for academics
Sep. 05, 2019 Introduction to Scientific Python, Basics of Finance (Time Value of Money, Cash Flows)
Introduction to SciPy, Lyuu Chapters 3.1, 3.2
Sep. 09, 2019 Basics of Finance, Root Finding
Lyuu Chapters 3.3, 3.4
Sep. 12, 2019 Bonds; Immunization
Lyuu Chapters 3.5, beginning of 4.2.2
Sep. 16, 2019 Immunization; Spot Rates
Lyuu some parts of Chapters 4.1 and 4.2, a few selected parts from Chapter 5
Sep. 19, 2019 Options (basics and a binary model)
Lyuu Chapter 7; Etheridge Chapters 1.1, 1.3
Sep. 23, 2019 no class
Sep. 26, 2019 no class
Sep. 30, 2019 Option Pricing with a Binary Model; Put-call Parity
Lyuu Chapters 8.3, 9.1, 9.2.1; Etheridge Chapter 1.3
Oct. 02, 2019 Binomial Tree Method
Lyuu Chapters 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.3; Etheridge Chapters 1.3, 2.1
Oct. 03, 2019 no class (German Unity Day)
Oct. 07, 2019 Binomial Tree and Calibration
Lyuu Chapter 9.3.1
Oct. 09, 2019 Convergence Rates
Oct. 10, 2019 Central Limit Theorem and Black-Scholes Formula
Lyuu Chapter 9.3; Etheridge Chapter 2.6
Oct. 14, 2019 Black-Scholes Formula; Brownian Motion
Lyuu Chapter 9.3; Lyuu Chapter 13.3; Etheridge Chapter 3.1 (this is much more detailed than what we covered in class)
Oct. 17, 2019 Brownian Motion, Geometric Brownian Motion, Monte-Carlo Method
Lyuu Chapter 13.3.2; Lyuu Chapter 18.2
Oct. 21, 2019 Stochastic Integrals
Lyuu Chapter 14.1; Etheridge Chapter 4.2 (this is much more detailed than what we covered in class, but very good if you would like to understand the mathematical background more)
Oct. 24, 2019 Stochastic Integrals continued
Oct. 28, 2019 Stochastic Differential Equations, Weak and Strong Convergence
Lyuu Chapters 14.2, 14.2.1
Oct. 31, 2019 no class (Reformation Day)
Nov. 04, 2019 Ito's Lemma
Lyuu Chapter 14.2.3 and parts of 14.3; Etheridge Chapter 4.3 (more advanced than the treatment in class); a nice introduction to numerical methods for SDEs, covering the class topics from Brownian motion up to Ito's lemma is given in the article by Higham - An Algorithmic Introduction to Numerical Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations (alternative link).
Nov. 07, 2019 Ito's Lemma Applied to Geometric Brownian Motion
Nov. 11, 2019 Black-Scholes PDE and Relation to Black-Scholes Formula
Lyuu Chapters 15.1, 15.2; a mathematically rigorous derivation can be found in Etheridge Chapters 5.1, 5.2
Nov. 14, 2019 Implied Volatilities, Visualizing Binomial Tree Models in Python
Nov. 18, 2019 Finite Difference Approximation and Stability
Lyuu Chapter 18.1; a nice summary of all the methods for valuating options that we discussed in class can be found in the article by Higham - Black-Scholes Option Valuation for Scientific Computing Students (alternative link).
Nov. 21, 2019 Finite Difference Approximation and Stability in python
Nov. 25, 2019 Parameter Estimation and Time Series; Autocorrelation
More about time series for finance can be found in the article by Aas and Dimakos - Statistical modelling of financial time series: An introduction. Even more background can be found in the book by Tsay - Analysis of Financial Time Series.
Nov. 28, 2019 Parameter Estimation, Time Series, and Autocorrelation in python
Dec. 02, 2019 Discussion of Final Project; Some Extra Topics in SPDEs
Dec. 05, 2019 no class (Alan's conference)

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