This notebook illustrates how to use Sympy, a Python-based symbolic computation system, to solve the LOCAL JOB SHOP problem from Hillier and Lieberman, Section 11.3. For students of Operations Research: the use of Sympy is not for examination. I include this example as you might find it useful for other work, and to give a short example for the dynamic programming paradigm to clarify the structure of an otherwise rather messy computation.
We begin by setting up the Sympy environment:
from sympy import init_session
In Sympy, symbolic variables have to be declared. For us, the employment levels x1 (summer), x2 (autumn), and x3 (winter) are the decision variables. We declare them as symbolic variables as follows:
x1,x2,x3 = symbols('x_1 x_2 x_3')
We start at the final stage n=4 of the job shop problem, the transition of employment level from x3 in the winter to x∗4=255 in the spring. Since there is no excess employment cost for the spring, the only cost is the hire-or-fire expense. Thus, we get for f∗4:
f4s = 200*(255-x3)**2
At the pre-final stage n=3, the transition of employment from x2 in the autumn to x3 in the winter is the sum of three terms. First, the hire-or-fire expense, then the cost of over-employment, and the optimal future costs f∗4(x3). The resulting expression for f3(x2,x3) is the following:
f3 = 200*(x2-x3)**2 + 2000*(x3-200) + f4s
Since f3 is a quadratic function of x3, we find the minimum cost by taking the derivative and finding its root x∗3:
x3s = solve(diff(f3,x3),x3)[0]
The corresponding optimal cost f∗3(x2) is obtained by substituting x∗3 into the expression for f3:
f3s = f3.subs(x3,x3s)
To conclude the stage n=3 computation, we verify that the computed x∗3 will always lie in the permissible interval x3∈[200,255]. Indeed, since x2∈[240,255], we find that x∗3 is in the following interval:
We continue our backward recursion at stage n=2. Following the pattern above, we write out the expression for f2(x1,x2) and compute its minimum with respect to x2:
f2 = 200*(x1-x2)**2 + (x2-240)*2000 + f3s
x2s = solve(diff(f2,x2),x2)[0]
f2s = f2.subs(x2,x2s)
Noting that x1∈[220,255] and therefore
so that x∗2 may lie outside its allowed interval x2∈[240,255], we compute the minimum value for x1 such that the x∗2 obtained above is valid:
Thus, for x1∈[220,240], we need to set x∗2=240 and, correspondingly, f∗2(x1)=f2(x1,240).
f2s_alt = f2.subs(x2,240)
Now at stage n=1, we need to follow both stage n=2 cases separately. Since we know that x0=255 (this is again spring employment), we find for the case x1∈[240,255]:
f1 = 200*(255-x1)**2 + (x1-220)*2000 + f2s
x1s = solve(diff(f1,x1),x1)[0]
Thus, the computed x∗1 lies in the interval of validity of the corresponding f∗2, so that f∗1 is given by
f1s = f1.subs(x1,x1s)
Likewise, for the alternative case x1∈[220,240], we compute
f1_alt = 200*(255-x1)**2 + (x1-220)*2000 + f2s_alt
x1s_alt = solve(diff(f1_alt,x1),x1)[0]
This value is to the right of the interval of validity. As the corresponding f∗1 is decreasing to the left of x1=245, the minimum is attained at x∗1=240, namely
This is larger than the first alternative, so we can discard this alternative case. Thus, the optimal cost over one year is f∗1=185000 while x∗1=247.5 as computed above. Further, x∗2 equals
and x∗3 equals