Career Options

Mathematics opens the doors to many promising career paths. CareerCast ranked mathematician as best job for 2014 based on four factors: environment, income, outlook, and stress. Statistician was ranked third and actuary was ranked fourth. A study by PayScale shows that the top 15 highest-earning college degrees have a common element: mathematics. Not only do many professions and majors (engineering, doctors, physics, nurses, computer science, actuarial science, etc.) require courses in mathematics, but the analytical and problem-solving skills students learn in mathematics can apply to all disciplines.
Mathematical Association of America

What do mathematicians do?

There are few undergraduate degrees which rival mathematics in the diversity of rewarding job options, which include the following.
  • Insurance companies hire large numbers of mathematicians on actuarial and other analyst positions.
  • Quantitative Finance and Financial Engineering is another big pool of opportunities which involves fairly deep mathematical concepts.
  • Operations Researchers help organizations, businesses, and government find efficient solutions to organizational and strategic planning questions, including scheduling and distribution problems, resource allocation, facilities design, and forecasting.
  • Mathematicians are frequently employed in Information Technology positions. In fact, a recent survey from the UK shows that while a substantial number of mathematicians work in IT, few computer scientists compete with mathematicians in any of the other fields of employment. In particular, mathematical knowledge is required for work in information security and cryptography.
  • Statisticians are employed by large organizations and work in research and development divisions from academica to industry to analyze data from surveys and experiments.
  • Educationis a wide field of employment ranging from secondary school teachers to university professors.
  • Engineering Mathematics offers job opportunities from aerospace engineering and petroleum engineering to a wide range of other engineering disciplines.
  • Last, but not least, a career as a research mathematician at universities or mathematics research institutes.

Mathematics career links

CareerCast job satisfaction survey.

Excellent math career website by +plus magazine.

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