Modern Mathematics -
International Summer Schools for Students
The idea
The International Summer Schools Modern Mathematics are a unique opportunity for international top-level
mathematicians of today and tomorrow to interact in a fruitful and
substantial way. During 10 days, approximately 100 highly-potential
young mathematicians from around the globe meet with international
leading mathematicians. Beyond formal presentations, emphasis is
laid on opportunity for informal interaction and communication, for
instance during breaks, common meals, sports and games, excursions,
and other activities. In addition to presentations, discussion and
involvement are encouraged by active tutorials led by young
researchers.Key points
- The Modern Mathematics Summer School is for talented students
in their last two years of high school or in their first
two years at university.
- Open to international students from all countries.
- The language of the school is English.
- Students and instructors live in the same accommodation with
ample opportunities for informal interaction.
Next event
- Projected to take place in July 2019.
- Precise dates and application details TBA.
- Hosted by Jacobs
University in the Northern German city of Bremen.
Past events
A detailed summary of the goals and experiences from the first
International Summer School for Students can be found in this opinion
piece by Étienne Ghys and Sergei Tabachnikov which appeared in the March
2012 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society.