Sören Petrat
Constructor University Bremen
(formerly: Jacobs University Bremen)
School of Science
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen
Email: spetrat AT constructor.university
PGP public key
Office: Research I, room 112
Phone: +49 421 200 3211
I am Associate Professor of Mathematics at Constructor University (formerly: Jacobs University). My main working area is mathematical physics, in particular many-body quantum mechanics.
I am part of the French-German DFG-ANR project "Effective Approximation and Dynamics of Many-Body Quantum Systems".
Events (old)
- We have organized the Dynamics Days Europe at Constructor University Bremen from July 29 - August 2, 2024.
- We have organized the Summer School on Effective Approximation and Dynamics of Many-Body Quantum Systems at Lorraine University (Metz, France) from June 24-27 2024.
- On Saturday, March 16, 2024, we celebrate Pi Day at Constructor University.
- October 4, 2023 is Research Day at Jacobs University.
- On Saturday, March 18, 2023, we celebrate Pi Day at Constructor University.
- There are 2 open postdoc positions available in the research group: Postdoc (fermions), Postdoc (bosons). (BOTH ARE NOW FILLED, applications are no longer accepted.)
- The MTP seminar is back in the Spring 2023.
- October 5, 2022 is Research Day at Jacobs University.
- New book: Multi-Time Wave Functions - An Introduction (with M. Lienert and R. Tumulka), SpringerBriefs in Physics, 2020
- Braunschweig-Bremen Seminar, Fall 2021
- Online Minisymposium: Nonlinear Dynamics in Quantum Mechanics (October 1 and 2, 2020)
- Spring School on Multi-Time Wave Functions (Tübingen, April 10-12, 2019)
- 7th Bremen Summer School and Symposium on Dynamical Systems (August 5-9, 2019)
Scientific Interests
- Quantum many-body systems
- Non-linear Schrödinger equation
- Derivation of effective dynamics
- Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates
- Hartree-Fock dynamics
- Spin wave theory
- Dynamics in the Heisenberg ferromagnet
- Relativistic quantum mechanics
- Wave functions on space-time configurations (multi-time wave functions)
Previous Positions
Videos and Slides