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Computational Laboratory for Analysis, Modeling, and Visualization

Seminar Schedule

Every Tuesday at 17:15, Research II Lecture Hall

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About the Seminar

The CLAMV seminar is the weekly research seminar of the Computational Laboratory for Analysis, Modeling, and Visualization. It aims at fostering a community of Jacobs University computational scientists and researchers from adjacent disciplines by
  • providing a forum where faculty and researchers can introduce themselves, present their results, discuss ideas, and initiate collaborations particularly across disciplines;
  • introducing a limited number of external speakers to an interdisciplinary audience, with approximately one distinguished guest per semester;
  • informing Jacobs University users on practical issues such as availability and access to computer resources, or the use of important software packages;
  • inviting computational researchers from industry both to present their work, but also to inform faculty and students about career options outside of academia.

Previous Semesters

Fall 2005 Semester

20/09/2005: Jörn Sesterhenn (TU Munich), Interaction Of Turbulence With Weak Oblique Shock Waves
11/10/2005: Xiang Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University and IUB), Complex Networks: Models, Synchronization, and Control
13/10/2005: Jörn Behrens (TU Munich), Adaptive atmospheric modeling: basic principles and algorithmic realizations
25/10/2005: Dan Price (University of Exeter), Simulating (astrophysical) magnetic fields with particle methods: all you ever wanted to know and much, much more...
29/11/2005: CLAMV Keynote
Michael Griebel (Bonn University), A parallel level-set approach for two-phase flow
06/12/2005: Jason Frank (CWI Amsterdam), Symplectic discretization of atmospheric flows

Spring 2005 Schedule

01/03/2005: Hanno Teeling (MPI for Marine Microbiology, Bremen), How genome linguistic approaches can be used to tackle the fragment identification problem in metagenomics
15/03/2005: Charlie Doering (University of Michigan and IUB), Birth, death, epidemics & extinction: modeling and analysis of some basic processes in population dynamics and epidemiology
05/04/2005: Jörg Schumacher (Marburg University), Stretching of polymers in a turbulent flow
12/04/2005: Don H. Johnson (Rice University and IUB), Information Theory and Neural Coding in the Auditory System
19/04/2005: Werner Kozek (Siemens AG), Nonexistence of Nash equilibria in practical network management
26/04/2005: Nicolas Neuß (IWR Heidelberg), Numerical methods for multiscale problems
03/05/2005: Meheboob Alam (JNCASR Bangalore and MPI for Marine Microbiology, Bremen), Instability-induced ordering and universal unfolding of pitchfork bifurcations in granular Couette flow
17/05/2005: Ulrike Wacker (AWI Bremerhaven), Simulation of mixed phase clouds with a numerical weather prediction model

Fall 2004 Schedule

21/09/2004: Neville de Mestre (Bond University), Mathematical modeling in sport
28/09/2004: Michael Rohlfing, Electrons, holes, and their dynamics: Ab-initio electronic-structure theory for excited states
05/10/2004: Herbert Jaeger, Honing raw power: learning to train observable operator models efficiently
12/10/2004: Mathias Lindeman (Uni Bremen and IUB), Besov spaces and wavelet expansions with general dilation matrices
19/10/2004: Max Wardetzky (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin and Mental Images), Topics in applied geometry - surface optimization and mesh compression
26/10/2004: Niklas Grip, Wavelets: an application-oriented introduction with some new results on wavelet prefiltering
02/11/2004: Danilo Roccatano, Understanding the mechanisms of large scale proteins motion using molecular dynamics simulations
09/11/2004: Peter Oswald, Polarization control: Mathematical model and computational challenges
16/11/2004: Joachim Vogt, Analysis methods for multi-spacecraft data
23/11/2004: Special Event: Peter Deuflhard (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum and Freie Universität, Berlin), From molecular dynamics to conformation dynamics in drug design
30/11/2004: Michael Stöhr (MPI for Marine Microbiology, Bremen), Laboratory studies on solute transport in marine sediments induced by rising gas bubbles
07/12/2004: Onno Bokhove (Twente University), A (dis)continuous finite element model for generalized 2D vorticity dynamics

Spring 2004 Schedule

17/02/2004: Antje Boetius, Coordinated growth of microbial consortia: microbiology needs mathematics
02/03/2004: Michael Kohlhase, European Connexions: Content Markup Techniques for E-Learning
09/03/2004: Joachim Schmidt, Interactions of Coronal Mass Ejections with the radial interplanetary magnetic field or with themselves
16/03/2004: Matthias Görner, Introduction to Blender and POV-Ray or: How I animated Escher's "Relativity'"
23/03/2004: CLAMV Spring Assembly in the RLH Seminar Room (17:15-18:30)
30/03/2004: Oliver Junge (Paderborn): Dynamical systems methods in space mission design
13/04/2004: Arzhang Khalili, On Brinkman Boundary Layer in Permeable Sediments
20/04/2004: Matthias Bode, Pattern Formation in Reaction-Diffusion Systems
27/04/2004: Jerry Marsden (Caltech), From Poincaré to the EPDiff Equations
04/05/2004: Stephan Rosswog, Collisions of Compact Stars
11/05/2004: Michael Beck (Bayer CropScience), Support of agro-chemical research by first-principles quantum chemical calculations

Fall 2003 Schedule

18/09/2003: Melvin Leok (Caltech), Generalized Galerkin variational integrators for multiple scales
23/09/2003: Martin Zacharias, Computer simulation of biomolecular structures and complexes
30/09/2003: Marcel Oliver, Introduction to variational and quasi-variational integrators
07/10/2003: Götz Pfander, The crest factor of trigonometric polynomials
14/10/2003: Ulrich Kleinekathöfer, Quantum and classical molecular dynamics calculations on clusters
28/10/2003: Matthias Höft, Radio relics in clusters of galaxies
04/11/2003: Jun Tian, Reversible Information Hiding and Its Application to Scalable Content Access Control
11/11/2003: Rein van der Hout, Liesegang bands: a model involving a Stefan problem
18/11/2003: Wolfgang Hiller (AWI Bremerhaven), FoSSi: The Family of Simplified Solver Interfaces - a framework for fast parallel solution of large linear systems
25/11/2003: Holger Kenn, Ad-hoc networks for control

Spring 2003 Schedule

07/02/2003: Georg Gottwald (University of Sydney), A new test for chaos
11/02/2003: Adele Diederich, Decision making under Conflict: Decision Time as a Measure of Conflict Strength
18/02/2003: Stefano Carpin, Advanced Techniques for Randomized Robot Motion Planning
25/02/2003: Herbert Jaeger, Blackbox modeling of dynamical systems
04/03/2003: Ken Kennedy (Rice University), High Performance Computing without a Degree in Computer Science
11/03/2003: Florian Müller-Plathe, Computational Polymer Science: What we do and how we do it
01/04/2003: Michael Köhne, CLAMV: a moving target
08/04/2003: Marcus Brüggen, Looking into the sun
22/04/2003: Claus Hilgetag, Analyses of brain connectivity
29/04/2003: Alfred Schmidt (Uni Bremen), Adaptive finite element methods for phase transition computations
06/05/2003: Bertalan Zieger, Large-Scale MHD Simulation of the Earth's Magnetosphere
13/05/2003: Special Event: Computational Science at IUB
Presentation of the undergraduate major in Computational Science to students and faculty
20/05/2003: Rein van der Hout (Leiden University), Nematic liquid crystals and harmonic maps

Fall 2002 Schedule

08/10/2002: Patrick Bangert, Magnetic Field Topology in the Solar Corona: Computational Challenges
15/10/2002: Michael Schreiber, Numerical Investigations of the Metal-Insulator Transition in Disordered Materials
22/10/2002: Adalbert Wilhelm, Visual Exploration of Large Data Sets
29/10/2002: Götz Pfander, The crest factor of trigonometric polynomials: Computation, analysis, modeling, and visualisation
05/11/2002: Tijana Janjic, Error due to unresolved scales in atmospheric data assimilation
12/11/2002: Andreas Birk, On the origins of cooperation
19/11/2002: Thanos Antoulas, POD and model reduction
26/11/2002: Klaudia Brix, Imaging of cells
05/12/2002: Xinyuan Wu (Nanjing University), Extended Runge-Kutta formulae
10/12/2002: Ahmed Hujeirat (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg), A robust self-adaptive solver for modelling radiative MHD flows


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