Research Areas in the Mathematical Sciences
Algebra and Geometry
- Complex manifolds
- Special algebraic varieties
- Geometry and physics

Dynkin diagrams of simple Lie algebras
(excerpt) |
- Representations of finite- and infinite-dimensional Lie
- Generalized Harish-Chandra modules: algebraic and geometric
- Structure and representation theory for locally finite Lie
algebras and Lie superalgebras
- Generalized flag realizations of homogeneous ind-varieties
- Vector bundles of finite rank on homogeneous ind-varieties
Applied Analysis

Simulation of shallow water flow |
- Partial differential equations:
- mathematical fluid dynamics
- geophysical fluid dynamics
- reaction-diffusion equations
- Numerical Analysis:
- structure-preserving algorithms

PDE-based flow visualization |
- Partial Differential Equations
- modeling and simulation of biomedical processes
- mathematical image processing
- stochastic PDEs for modeling of uncertain parameters
- scientific visualization with PDEs
- Numerical Analysis
- viscosity solutions for geometric PDEs
- Numerical Methods
- efficient numerical implementation for
- multiscale and multigrid approaches
Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory

The free product of F3 and
- Infinite groups and their geometric properties
- Kazhdan's Property (T)
- Discrete subgroups of Lie groups
- Dynamics of the Lie group actions and application to number
- Probability
- Financial Mathematics

Critical points of the multiplier maps equidistribute on the
boundary of the Mandelbrot set |
- Dynamical systems
- Holomorphic dynamics in one and several variables
- Renormalization in low-dimensional dynamics
- Thermodynamical formalism in holomorphic dynamics
- The Mandelbrot set
- Discrete geometry
- Kneser-Poulsen conjecture
Mathematical Physics

Bose-Einstein condensate
- Quantum many-body systems
- Non-linear Schrödinger equation
- Derivation of effective dynamics
- Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates
- Hartree-Fock dynamics
- Spin wave theory
- Dynamics in the Heisenberg ferromagnet
- Relativistic quantum mechanics
- Wave functions on space-time configurations (multi-time wave

Pyrochlor lattice |
- Mathematical Physics
- Theoretical Particle Physics
- Non-commutative Geometry
- Quantum Gravity
- Quantum Spin Systems
Mathematics and its Applications
- Marc-Thorsten
Hütt, Professor of Computational Systems Biology
- Teaching: Nonlinear Dynamics, Computational Systems
- Research: Biological networks, genome signatures,
analysis of spatiotemporal patterns
- Ulrich
Kleinekathöfer, Professor of Physics
- Teaching: Computational Physics
- Research: Computational physics and biophysics, in
particular wave function calculations for nonlinear spectroscopy,
density matrix theory for electron and exciton transfer,
large-scale classical molecular dynamics
- Agostino
Merico, Professor of Ecology
- Research: Population dynamics, marine ecology, marine
geochemistry; paleoclimate; modeling of interactions between
climate, ecology, and social and economic systems
- Joachim
Vogt, Professor of Physics
- Teaching related to ACM: ESS Computational Modeling, ESS
Data Analysis Techniques
- Research: Space physics, computational
magnetohydrodynamics, analysis of data from magnetospheric
satellite missions
- Peter
Zaspel, Professor of Computer Science
- Research: Machine learning, data assimilation,
uncertainty quantification, approximation in reproducing kernel
Hilbert spaces, low-rank approximation, parallel and scalable